Title: Wind Your Way Down Author: tekuates Pairing: no pairing Rating: PG-13 ish Word Count: 14, 671 Warnings/Contains: [spoiler for fic (click to open)]major character death, general darkness, some creepy imagery Summary: Things hunters are good at: shooting guns, saving lives, thinking on their feet. Things hunters are bad at: moving on. Moving forward. Living life. Notes: Written for
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Title: Wind Your Way Down Author: tekuates Pairing: no pairing Rating: PG-13 ish Word Count: 14, 671 Warnings/Contains: [spoiler for fic (click to open)]major character death, general darkness, some creepy imagery Summary: Things hunters are good at: shooting guns, saving lives, thinking on their feet. Things hunters are bad at: moving on. Moving forward. Living life. Notes: Written for
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Title: Wind Your Way Down Author: tekuates Pairing: no pairing Rating: PG-13 ish Word Count: 14, 671 Warnings/Contains: [spoiler for fic (click to open)]major character death, general darkness, some creepy imagery Summary: Things hunters are good at: shooting guns, saving lives, thinking on their feet. Things hunters are bad at: moving on. Moving forward. Living life. Notes: Written for
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Title: Wind Your Way Down Author: tekuates Pairing: no pairing Rating: PG-13 ish Word Count: 14, 671 Warnings/Contains: [spoiler for fic (click to open)]major character death, general darkness, some creepy imagery Summary: Things hunters are good at: shooting guns, saving lives, thinking on their feet. Things hunters are bad at: moving on. Moving forward. Living life. Notes: Written for
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Title: Wind Your Way Down Author: tekuates Pairing: no pairing Rating: PG-13 ish Word Count: 14, 671 Warnings/Contains: [spoiler for fic (click to open)]major character death, general darkness, some creepy imagery Summary: Things hunters are good at: shooting guns, saving lives, thinking on their feet. Things hunters are bad at: moving on. Moving forward. Living life. Notes: Written for
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MY MINIBANG IS FINISHED. DONE. FINALLY. Man, I worked RIGHT TO the deadline on this one, and it's incredibly rough as a result of that. BUT NO MATTER. IT IS DONE AND I DID IT.
This ficI swear to god, this fic is going to kill me, Why couldn't I have had a simple idea? Why couldn't I have had a an idea that was less likely to morph unexpectedly? Why didn't I think of something two months ago instead of two days ago? Why did I choose the idea that involves the impossible, heathy and honest communication between the
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